Henry G. Manne Program in Law & Economics 2022

Research Roundtable on Capitalism and the Rule of Law (Destin, FL)

“Fraud-on-the-Market Liability in the ESG Era”
Kevin Haeberle, Professor of Law; Fellow, Center for the Study of Law and Markets, William & Mary Law School

“Capitalism and the Constitution” (Forthcoming)
James Huffman, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School

“Market Failure and Censorship in the Marketplace of Ideas”
Jeremy Kidd, Associate Professor of Law, Drake University Law School

“The Costs of Critical Habitat or Owl’s Well That Ends Well”
Jon Klick, Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
J. B. Ruhl, David Daniels Allen Distinguished Chair in Law, Vanderbilt University Law School

“Reckless Associations”
Jane Bambauer, Dorothy H. and Lewis Rosenstiel Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
Saura Masconale, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Simone M. Sepe, Chester H. Smith Professor, and Professor of Law and Finance, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

“Is American Higher Education Remediable?” (Forthcoming)
Scott Masten, Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, University of Michigan

“Unpacking Coasian ‘Red Boxes’: Universities and Commercialization”
Andrew P. Morriss, Dean, School of Innovation, & Vice President for Entrepreneurship and Economic, Texas A&M University
Roger E. Meiners, Professor of Economics, University of Texas-Arlington

“Crony Stakeholder Capitalism”
Stefan J. Padfield, Professor of Law, University of Akron Law School

“Capitalism, Money, and the Expression of Political Values” (Forthcoming)
George Priest, Edward J. Phelps Professor of Law and Economics, Yale Law School

“Legal Transitions: A Comparative Essay on Private Law and Economic Growth” (Forthcoming)
J. Mark Ramseyer, Mitsubishi Professor of Japanese Legal Studies, Harvard Law School

“Contract Remedies for New Collaborations”
Alan Schwartz, Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Simone M. Sepe, Chester H. Smith Professor, and Professor of Law and Finance, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Research Roundtable on Industry Self-Regulation

“Digital Currency Industry Self-Regulation: Not All Consensus is Automatic”
Eric C. Alston, Scholar in Residence, University of Colorado Boulder

“Self-Regulation as Internal Morality: Regulation and Firm Conduct through the Lens of the Hart-Fuller Debate” (Forthcoming)
Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Professor of Law, The Menard Director of the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center, and Co-Director of Space, Cyber, and Telecom Law Program, University of Nebraska College of Law

“No Perfect Solutions for Market Imperfections”
Jeremy Kidd, Associate Professor of Law, Drake University Law School

“Third-party standards and sustainability reporting: The case of Minnesota benefit corporations”
David S. Lucas, Assistant Professor, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University

“Corporate Governance and the Problem of Privileged Personal Knowledge: Toward a Theory of Decentralized Governance”
Mark D. Packard, Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University

“Self-Regulation in Standard-Setting Organizations: Frand Royalties in the Process of Discovering Standards”
Alexander Raskovich
, Director of Research, Global Antitrust Institute, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

“Self-Regulation in the Cradle: The Role of Standards in Emerging Industries”
Daniel E. Walters, Associate Professor of Law, Texas A&M University School of Law
Hannah J. Wiseman, Professor of Law; Professor and Wilson Faculty Fellow in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences; Co-funded Faculty, Institutes of Energy and the Environment, Penn State Law – University Park

Research Roundtable: Due Process Deficits in Regulatory Enforcement and Adjudication

“Landscape of Post-West Virginia v. EPA Agency Authority”
Leslie Corbly, Privacy Policy Analyst, Libertas Institute; Contributor, Young Voices

“Political Pluralism as a Model for the Regulatory Process”
Daniel A. Epstein, Director of Legal & Policy, Trust Ventures

“Substantial Defects: Why Judicial Review of Agency Fact-Finding Needs Reform”
Oliver Dunford, Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation
John Kerkhoff, Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation

“The FCC, USF, and USAC: An Alphabet Soup of Due Process Violations”
Jim Dunstan, General Counsel, TechFreedom

“Due Process Deficits: The Lack of Judicial Review in NLRA Election Proceedings”
Frank Garrison, Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation

Against the Chenery II Doctrine
Gary S. Lawson, Levin, Mabie & Levin Professor, University of Florida Levin College of Law
Joseph Postell, Associate Professor of Politics, Hillsdale College

“Due Process Limits on the FTC’s Penalty Offense Authority”
Berin Szoka, Founder and President, TechFreedom