2018 Eighth Annual Manne Faculty Forum
Cecot, Caroline, “The Federal Environmental Enforcement Threat”
Mascott, Jennifer, “The Ratifiers’ Theory of Officer Accountability”
Neyland, Jordan, “Do Lawyers Matter in Initial Public Offerings?”
Saguato, Paolo, “The Law & Economics of Netting”
Stevenson, Megan, “Algorithmic Risk Assessment Tools in the Hands of Humans“
2018 Supreme Court Economic Review Research Roundtable: The Economics of Legal Error
The following papers will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Supreme Court Economic Review:
Kobayashi, Bruce, “Error Costs, Legal Standards of Proof, and Statistical Significance”
Garoupa, Nuno, “Explaining the Standard of Proof in Criminal Law: A New Insight”
Friehe, Tim, “Crime and Punishment Under Evidentiary Uncertainty: Laboratory Evidence”
Macey, Jonathan, “Error and Regulatory Risk in Financial Institution Regulation”
Mungan, Murat, “Wrongful Convictions, Deterrence, and Stigma Dilution”
DeAngelo, Gregory, “Judicial Compensation and Performance”
Fourteenth Annual Symposium of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy – Regulatory Reform, Transparency, and the American Economy
The following papers were derived from larger pieces published as part of the Federalist Society’s Regulatory Transparency Project:
Cooper, Charles, “Banking Regulators and Operation Choke Point”
Zywicki, Todd, “The CFPB: Protecting Consumers from Themselves”
Baker, Stewart, “Security, Insecurity, and the Internet of Things”
Hurwitz, Gus, “Innovation and the Sharing Economy”
Cooper, James, “Protectionism, Antitrust, and Permission to Work”
Neily, Clark, “Innovation, Opportunity, and Alternatives to Licensing”
Gray, C. Boyden, “Fuel Economy Standards, Zero Emission Vehicles, and the Regulation of Automobiles”
White, Adam, “The Ebb and Flow of EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule“