2016 Thirteenth Annual Symposium of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy – Solving the Public Pension Crisis
The following papers were published in 14 Journal of Law, Economics & Policy (No. 1, Fall 2017):
Randazzo, Anthony, “There is a Tangled Web of Factors Causing Inappropriate Pension Funding Behavior”
Shepard, Scott, “The Lead Lemming: Illinois on the Pension-Crisis Brink”
Boylan, Richard and Stevenson, Dru, “The Impact of District Elections on Municipal Pensions and Investment”
Marcus, Adam and Johnsen, D. Bruce, “Pension Forfeiture and Police Misconduct”
Dick, Diane Lourdes, “Recognizing Taxpayers as Stakeholders in Municipal Bankruptcies”
Stalebrink, Odd, “Public Pension Fund Investments: The Role of Governance Structures”
Norcross, Eileen and Weinberg, Sheila, “A Judge in Their Own Cause: GASB 67/68 and the Continued Mis-Measurement of Public Sector Pension Liabilities”
2016 Sixth Annual Manne Faculty Forum
Treyger, Elina, “The Case Against the DA”
Cecot, Caroline, “No Fracking Way: An Empirical Look at Why New York Towns Banned Shale Development“
Menashi, Steven, “Taking Steel Seizure Seriously: The Iran Nuclear Agreement and the Separation of Powers“
Mazo, Eugene, “Residency and Democracy: Durational Residency Requirements from the Framers to the Present“
Twelfth Annual Symposium of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy – The Enduring Legacy of Henry G. Manne
The following papers were published in 12 Journal of Law, Economics, & Policy (No. 3, Fall 2016):
Henderson, M. Todd, “Mining Manne’s Vein”
Sharfman, Bernard S., “The Tension between Hedge Fund Activism and Corporate Law”
Rosen, Kenneth, “Challenging Insider Trading Orthodoxy”
Anderson, John P., “The Final Step to Insider Trading Reform: Answering the ‘It’s Just Not Right!’ Objection”
Shadab, Houman, “Henry Manne and Nonpublic Company Disclosure”
Mannix, Brian F., “Races, Rushes, and Runs: Taming the Turbulence in Financial Trading”