The Unique Contributions of Armen Alchian, Robert Bork, and James Buchanan to George Mason University School of Law
Papers presented at this conference were published in a symposium issue (Vol. 10, No. 3) of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy.
Manne, Geoffrey A., and Zywicki, Todd J., “Uncertainty, Evolution, and Behavioral Economic Theory“
Wright, Joshua D., “Some Reflections on Armen Alchian’s Contributions to George Mason University School of Law and the Federal Judiciary”
McChesney, Fred S., “Magnus Magister: An Affectionate Appreciation of Armen Alchian”
Ginsburg, Douglas H., and Owings, Taylor M., “Since Bork”
Adler, Jonathan H. ,”Robert Bork & Commercial Speech“
Harrison, John, “Public Choice and Judicial Virtue”
Boettke, Peter, and Palagashvili, Liya, “James Buchanan’s Contributions to Constitutional Political Economy, Institutional Analysis, and Self-Governance”
McGinnis, John O., “Public Choice Originalism: Bork, Buchanan, and the Escape from the Progressive Paradigm“
Haddock, David D., “The Relevant Theory of Irrelevant Externalities: Buchanan, Coase, and Pigou”
Research Roundtable on Law’s Information Revolution
Kobayashi, Bruce H., “Law’s Information Revolution as Procedural Reform: Predictive Search as a Solution to the In Terrorem Effect of Externalized Discovery Costs“
McGinnis, John O., “Law’s Algorithm“
Knake, Renee N., “Legal Information, The Consumer Law Market, and the First Amendment“
Blackman, Josh, “What Happens if Data is Speech?“
Fourth Annual Manne Faculty Forum
Chiang, T.J., “The Interpretation-Construction Distinction in Patent Law“
Yeh, Susan, “The Construction of Morals“
Sturiale, Jennifer E., “Variety, Mergers, and the Consumer Welfare Standard: Incorporating Variety Effects into Merger Review”
Third Annual LEC Conference on Competition Policy in Search and Social Media
Bambauer, Jane, “Is Data Speech?“
Austrian Law & Economics Research Roundtable, April 2013
Freyer, Tony, and Morriss, Andrew, “Creating Cayman as an Offshore Financial Center: Structure & Strategy Since 1960“
Manne, Henry G., “Resurrecting the Ghostly Entrepreneur“
Somin, Ilya, Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter
Stearns, Maxwell L., “Private-Rights Litigation and the Normative Foundations of Durable Constitutional Precedent“
16th Annual Law Review Symposium on Antitrust Law “Privacy, Regulation, and Antitrust”
The papers presented at this Symposium were published as the Summer 2013 issue (Vol 20, No. 4) of the George Mason Law Review. Papers published are:
Rosen, Jeffrey, “Keeping Google Good: Remarks on Privacy Regulation and Free Speech”
Pasquale, Frank, “Privacy, Antitrust, and Power”
Tucker, Catherine, “The Implications of Improved Attribution and Measurability for Antitrust and Privacy in Online Advertising Markets”
Thierer, Adam, “A Framework for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Digital Privacy Debates“
Grunes, Allen P., “Another Look at Privacy”
Cooper, James C., “Privacy and Antitrust: Underpants Gnomes, the First Amendment, and Subjectivity“