Eleventh Annual Symposium of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy: A Symposium on Consumer Credit and the American Economy
The following papers were published in 11 Journal of Law, Economics, & Policy (No. 3, Fall 2015):
Beales, J. Howard, “Behavioral Economics and Credit Regulation”
Cole, G. Marcus, “Rational Consumer Ignorance: When and Why Consumers Should Agree to Form Contracts Without Even Reading Them”
Hawkins, Jim, “Are Bigger Companies Better for Low-Income Borrowers?: Evidence from Payday and Title Loan Advertisements”
Hynes, Richard, “The Social Costs of Credit Reporting Errors”
Miller, Thomas, “Differences in Consumer Credit Choices by Banked and Unbanked Mississippians”
Yezer, Anthony, “Symposium Comments on Consumer Credit and the American Economy”
LEC Public Policy Conference on Administration Unbound? Delegation, Deference, and Discretion
The proceedings of this conference have been published as George Mason Law Review, vol. 22, no. 3 (2015).
Stack, Kevin M., “The Interpretive Dimension of Seminole Rock“
Knudsen, Sanne H., and Wildermuth, Amy, “Lessons from the Lost History of Seminole Rock”
Gray, Boyden, “The Nondelegation Canon’s Neglected History and Underestimated Legacy“
David E. Bernstein, “What to do About Federal Agency Science: Some Doubts About Regulatory Daubert“
Cecot, Caroline, and Viscusi, Kip, “Judicial Review of Agency Benefit-Cost Analysis“
17th Annual Law Review Symposium on Antitrust Law “The FTC: 100 Years of Antitrust and Competition Policy”
The proceedings of the conference have been published as George Mason Law Review, vol. 21, no. 5 (2014)
Ohlhausen, Maureen K., “100 is the New 30: Recommendations for the FTC’s Next 100 Years“
Blumenthal, William, and Dnes, Stephen, “The Accidental Conception of Multijurisdictional Merger Review”
Calvani, Terry, and Diveley, Angela, “The FTC at 100: A Modest Proposal for Change“
Hurwitz, Justin, “Administrative Antitrust“
Jurata, John “Jay”, and Patel, Amisha R., “Taming the Trolls: Why Antitrust is Not a Viable Solution for Stopping Patent Assertion Entities”
Rybnicek, Jan M., and Wright, Joshua D., “Defining Section 5 of the FTC Act: The Failure of the Common Law Method and the Case for Formal Agency Guidelines“