George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

Public Policy Conference on Administration Unbound? Delegation, Deference, and Discretion

Event Details

Program Description: The LEC Public Policy Conference on Administration Unbound? Delegation, Deference, and Discretion featured panels on specialized topics, such as regulatory cost-benefit analysis, the judicial review of regulatory science, and the consequences of significant delegated discretion to administrative agencies. Speakers included the Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg, Senior Circuit Judge, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and the Honorable C. Boyden Gray, former Ambassador to the European Union and Counsel to the President, as well as other prominent academics and practitioners.


Agency Deference: Appropriate or Abusive?

Richard O. Faulk, Partner, Hollingsworth LLP and Senior Director, Energy and Environment, Law & Economics Center

Thomas H. Hill, Senior Executive and General Counsel, Global EHS Operations, General Electric

Sanne H. Knudsen, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Washington School of Law

Kevin M. Stack, Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Research, Vanderbilt Law School

Amy J. Wildermuth, Professor of Law and Associate Vice President of Faculty, SJ Quinney College of Law, University of Utah

Sam Kazman, 
General Counsel and Director, Center for Law and Litigation, Competition Enterprise Institute

Excessive Delegation and the Expansion of Federal Power

Jack M. Beermann, Harry Elwood Warren Scholar and Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law

F. William Brownell, Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP

C. Boyden Gray, Founding Partner, Boyden Gray & Associates

Kristin E. Hickman, Harlan Albert Rogers Professor in Law and Associate Director, Corporate Institute, University of Minnesota Law School

Neomi Rao, Associate Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law

Thomas H. Dupree Jr., 
Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP

Is Administrative Law Unlawful?

Philip A. Hamburger, Maurice and Hilda Friedman Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

The Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg,
 Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law and Senior Circuit Judge, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

Revisiting Agency Discretion and the Scope of Judicial Reivew

David E. Bernstein, George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law

Caroline Cecot, Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Law and Economics, Vanderbilt Law School

Charles J. Cooper, Partner, Cooper & Kirk PLLC

Michael S. Greve, Professor of law, George Mason University School of Law

W. Kip Viscusi, University Distinguished Professor of Law, Economics and Management; Co-Director, PhD Program in Law and Economics, Vanderbilt Law School

Helgi C. Walker, 
Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP



The proceedings of this conference have been published as George Mason Law Review, vol. 22, no. 3 (2015).

Stack, Kevin M., “The Interpretive Dimension of Seminole Rock.”

Knudsen, Sanne H., and Wildermuth, Amy, “Lessons from the Lost History of Seminole Rock.”

Gray, Boyden, “The Nondelegation Canon’s Neglected History and Underestimated Legacy.”

David E. Bernstein, “What to do About Federal Agency Science: Some Doubts About Regulatory Daubert.

Cecot, Caroline, and Viscusi, Kip, “Judicial Review of Agency Benefit-Cost Analysis.”

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